Coffee Bean Sieves & Green Coffee Bean Sieves

Coffee Sieves with round hole stainless steel perforated plate, 300mm diameter in 75mm or 45mm deep stainless steel frames, to ISO 4150:2011. Slotted plate coffee sieves are also available, please contact Impact for details.

Green Coffee Sieves with round hole stainless steel perforated plate, in 200mm diameter x 50mm deep stainless steel frames.

The Green Coffee Bean sizes referred to below are: Classification/Central America & Mexico/Colombia/Africa & India.
See the Sieve Specifications page for more details.

Please review our available sieves below and send an email to We will send you a quote with prices and the current stock situation.

Coffee Sieves to ISO 4150 300mm diameter x 75mm deep
Coffee Sieves to ISO 4150 300mm diameter x 45mm deep
Green Coffee Bean Sieves: Classification/Central America & Mexico/Colombia/Africa & India 200mm diameter x 50mm deep
For full specifications of all sieves visit the sieve specification page