Portable Sieve Test Analyser

SV017 Portable Sieve Analyser for 200mm & 8 inch diameter sieves

The Portable Sieve Test Analyser is designed to reduce the time and eliminate the operator error associated with sieve analysis. The Sieve Test Analyser accurately weighs and stores the net weight of the sieves and receiver before sieving. It compares the weights of the empty sieve with the gross weight after sieving. Necessary calculations are then made to provide a detailed analysis of the particle size distribution, including weight retained, percent retained, and percent passing, giving you accurate sieve results in a matter of seconds. The Sieve Test Analyser saves time, because it weighs, calculates, and stores sieve test results.

Sieve Analyser SV017

This unit will accept 200mm & 8 inch diameter sieves & can hold up to 17 sieves plus a receiver.

The unit has a self-contained electronic balance, digital readout and computer memory, all contained in a plastic case designed to be used in a production facility or laboratory.

To perform a sieve analysis, run a standard sieve test using a shaker. Choose the corresponding sieve stack from the sieve analyser's memory. The analyser has the capacity to store up to 10 sieve stacks. The analyser will prompt to weigh each full sieve and the user places it on the weighing platform. The analyser records the full weight of the sieve and calculates the weight and percent retained of the sample on the spot. There is no need to reweigh or calculate percentages.

For many companies, a standard sieve test is the only method available to produce a consistent product. As requirements have become more stringent for traceability (e.g. ISO 9000) within the manufacturing process and with suppliers, the ability of equipment to interface with computers is essential. The Sieve Test Analyser allows the user to monitor and record individual sieve test results using a computer. With greater emphasis on quality of processing, the Sieve Test Analyser goes a long way to address some of the limitations of sieve analysis whilst giving repeatability and accuracy to a test that is, and will continue to be, relied upon world wide.

SV017 Specification
Balance capacity 10,000g
Balance resolution 0.02g
Power Supply 110 or 220V
Dimensions 350 x 400 x 950mm
Weight 10kg
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